===== Chrome Custom Tabs ===== **WIP: //This is the original documentation.//** Allows you to open a new Chrome Custom Tab with the URL and buttons you want. ===== Input Fields ===== Required fields to configure the plugin. ==== URL ==== URL to open in the custom tab. ==== Toolbar Colour ==== Set the toolbar color of the custom tab. ==== Action Button Command ==== AutoApps Command that will be sent when clicking the action button. ==== Action Button Image ==== Set and image that will be used for the action button. Can be a local or web image. ==== Menu Item Labels ==== List of texts that should appear as options in the tab menu. ==== Menu Item Commands ==== List of AutoApps Commands that should be sent when clicking the menu items. ==== Menu Command Prefix ==== It set, all AutoApps commands in the menu will be prefixed with this prefix, followed by =:= ==== Enable URL Bar Hiding ==== If set, enables the URL bar to hide as the user scrolls down the page. ==== Continue Task ==== If set, Task will continue right away after opening the tab. If not, it will wait until you close the tab.