==== Special Thank You ==== * To [[https://civo.com|Civo]] for hosting this server. Developer orientated and fair priced Cloud (VPS) servers that are fast and reliable! * To [[https://letsencrypt.org|LetsEncrypt]] who provide free and simple to deploy HTTPS certificates. * To Andreas Gohr for creating [[https://www.dokuwiki.org|DokuWiki]] and many extensions. * To Lee Kwangyoung for creating the epic [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:white|White Template]] for DokuWiki! * To João Dias for allowing me to use his documentation as well as his making a plethora of epicness with his AutoApps suite (now developer of Tasker) * To Pent, the creator and genius behind Tasker. Without him none of this would ever have happened! * To Google for providing [[https://material.io/tools/icons|Material.io Icons]] and an abundance of icons to use. * To my partner, Lottie. For putting up with all my ranting and cursing in the middle of the night! * Everyone who gave me inspiration, muse and insight into creating all of this! * To everyone who has, will and wants to donate and contribute to this site! ~~socialite~~