

Make Tasker send keyboard presses to whatever app is in the foreground.

Comma separated list of key presses.
The following formats are allowed for each key press:
  • write(Some Text): will directly insert the text (in this case Some Text) in a text box but only if a text box in an app has focus
  • replace(Some Text): will replace all the text in the focused text box with the selected text (in this case Some Text)
  • wait(400): will wait for the time (in this case 400 ms) before moving on to the next key press
  • select(Some Text): will select the first occurrence of the text (in this case Some Text) in a text box but only if a text box in an app has focus
  • selectPositions(1,10): will select the text in a focused text box starting and ending in the selected positions (in this case start in 1 and end in 10)
  • cursor(1): will set the cursor position (in this case position 1) in a focused text box.
  • selectAll(): will select all the text in a focused text box.
  • delete(Some Text): will delete the first occurrence of the text (in this case Some Text) in a text box but only if a text box in an app has focus
  • deleteAll(): will delete all the text in a focused text box.
  • '29': will use the key code between single quotes (in this case 29, which corresponds to the A keycode) directly. Check out all the standard keycodes here. Look for the Constant Value value of all the constants that start with KEYCODE_.
  • Tab: if none of the above special characters surround the key press, the keycode corresponding to the text will be sent (in this case, the Tab key will be sent). You can find a list of these by using the magnifying glass near the Input field in this action.
The following modifiers are allowed for each key press (applies to custom key codes and direct key):
  • Control+Shift+C: will press C, with the Control and Shift modifiers