Fulltext results:
- ah_index @tasker:docs:en:help
- Type" content="text;charset=UTF-8"><title>Tasker: Action A-Z</title></head><body><H3>Tasker: Action A-Z</H3> <H4>APN Droid</H4>Enable or disable mobile data by changing APN data.<br/><br/>This action requires that the application APNDroid is install... A phones e.g. Motorola Droid, try the Mobile Data action instead.<br/><br/>If you have trouble reconnectin
- flowcontrol @tasker:docs:en
- ce for each of a set of elements <LI><I>Goto</I> action (jumping around within a task). <LI><I>Perform Task</I> action (calling other tasks as subroutines) <LI><I>Stop</I> action (terminate task immediately) </UL> <P> On the W... <A NAME="condition"/> <H5>Conditions</H5> Every action can have a condition associated with it (specify
- javascript @tasker:docs:en
- ategies for that: <H4>1. <CODE>JavaScript</CODE> action</H4> For off-device testing, use <CODE>Menu / Mo... E> </P> <P> By using the <CODE>JavaScript</CODE> action rather than <CODE>JavaScriptlet</CODE> you can ea... rver and reloading the WebView on the device (see action <A HREF="help/ah_scene_element_web_control">Eleme... nctions (see below) are executed as normal single-action tasks and thus may be blocked by other executing
- variables @tasker:docs:en
- of the relevant variable before carrying out the action. </P> <P> The main purposes of variables are: <U... I><I>dynamic binding</I>: doing something with an action with data which </P> is unknown when the task is... > <H5>Local Built-In Variables</H5> <UL> <LI><B>Action Error</B><BR> <I>%err</I><BR> Is set to an integer if an error occurred when running the last action. The actual number can signify the error which o
- activity_taskedit @tasker:docs:en
- sk, and various properties of the task. </P> <H4>Action List</H4> The main part of the screen is a list ... ntly selected task. <UL> <LI><B>Click</B> on an action to edit it <LI><B>Long-click</B> on an action to enter multi-select mode and for options <LI><B>Click-and-drag</B> at the right hand side of the action to move it around e.g. to the trash bin </UL> <P
- activity_actionedit @tasker:docs:en
- <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Tasker: Action Edit</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <H2> Action Edit <IMG style="float:right" SRC="icon_tasker.png"/> </H2> This screen allows configuration of a single action in a Task. <H4>General</H4> At top left is the name of the action. Tapping on this allows it to be changed. <P> Bot
- faq-problem @tasker:docs:en:faqs
- e main screen ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#u">Why does the action Display Brightness cause my keyboard or applicati... REF="#x">Why doesn't my <CODE>Perform Task</CODE> action work when I Test it ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#app">Why ... <LI><A HREF="#keyguard">Why doesn't the Keyguard action work properly ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#root">Why doesn... ker ?</H4> It's probably because you're using an action which needs Tasker's device administrator functio
- encryption @tasker:docs:en
- The relevant actions are in the <I>Encryption</I> action category. <P> Since decryption can be automated,... operation is finished, just put a <I>Vibrate</I> action or similar after the <I>Encrypt/Decrypt</I> action. <H4>Keys</H4> Tasker uses a system of named <I>keys... e specified after an <I>Encrypt/ Decrypt File</I> action, or explicitly with the <I>Clear Key</I> action.
- tasks @tasker:docs:en
- how they are handled: </P> <UL> <LI>only <B>one action</B> from the same <A HREF="#actiongroups">action group</A> can be executed at once to prevent interferen... the <B>same priority</B> take turns executing an action each, starting with the most recent addition to ... executed. </UL> <A NAME="actiongroups"></A> <H4>Action Groups</H4> Actions are divided into groups for
- activity_runlog @tasker:docs:en
- Run Log</i> shows profile status changes and task/action execution to help when things aren't working as e... ile <LI><FONT COLOR="blue">light blue</FONT>: an action <LI>black/white: the monitor or execution servic... <CODE>MyTask.Wait</CODE> refers to a <I>Wait</I> action in the task <I>MyTask</I>. </P> <P> Some notable... actions with a variable paramater show (after the action name) what the value of the variable was <B>after
- faq-how @tasker:docs:en:faqs
- 2">How can I use whitespace (newline, tab etc) in action parameters ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#y3">How can I run... ter task of the profile do a </I>Perform Task</I> action (from the category <I>Tasker</I>) on that separat... ng Javascriptlet function instead of the setting action. Settings made in Javascriptlets are not restored... ?</H4> <P> Turning on, use the Display / Turn On action. Unfortunately, that action is inaccessible with
- appcreation @tasker:docs:en
- e screen and pick any icon <LI><B>add the Popup action</B><BR> click <B>+</B> in the bottom left to add an action, select category <B>Alert</B> and then action <B>Popup</B>. Fill in <B>Hello World!</B> in the <I>Text</I... click the accept button bottom left to accept the action, then again to accept the task. <LI><B>ask Task
- activity_scenepropertiesedit @tasker:docs:en
- A> explains the various options. </P> <P> The <I>Action Bar Style, Title, Subtitle, Icon</I> and <I>Tab L... to Activity scenes and refer to properties of the action bar. </P> <P><I>Icon</I> refers to the home icon in the top-left of the action bar. When clixked it generates a <A HREF="#hometa... is a comma-separated list of tabs to show in the action bar. When a tab is selected it generates a <A HRE
- java @tasker:docs:en
- EF="#javafunction">The <CODE>Java Function</CODE> Action</A> <UL> <LI>Using The Action <LI>Parameters <LI>Return Values </UL> <LI><A HREF="#objects"... s wifi on if it is not already enabled. </P> <P> Action 2 demonstrates that Tasker variables can be used ... ccessible to <code>Java Function</code>. </P> <P>Action 3 demonstrates that results of <CODE>Java Functio
- intents @tasker:docs:en
- nd arbitraty intents using the <I>Send Intent</I> action in the <I>Misc</I> category. This allows you to p... the set of possible receivers of the intent. <H5>Action</H5> What the sender would like the receiver to ... with the data. <P> Example: <CODE>android.intent.action.VIEW</CODE> </P> <H5>Cat</H5> Gives additional information about the action. <H5>Mime-Type</H5> From the developer referenc