Fulltext results:
- ah_index @tasker:docs:en:help
- Data</H4>Dynamically load a task into the active configuration or replace the whole active configuration.<br/><br/>Usually the data to be loaded is first read into a variable via the Read File action.<br/><br/>When a new configuration is successfully loaded, the task (and all others)... k.<br/><br/>Warning: data you enter in the plugin configuration screen is collected by the *plugin*, not by Taske
- appcreation @tasker:docs:en
- ello World Example</A> <LI><A HREF="#config">App Configuration</A> <LI><A HREF="#sign">Signing</A> <LI><A HREF... lo World popup! </P> <A NAME="config" /> <H3>App Configuration</H3> <P>More usually, before an app is generated you will be presented with a configuration screen which lets you specify various options for... , the <B>Minimum Android Version</B> in the child Configuration screen must be set to <B>16</B> or higher. If sup
- Welcome
- eature or service is very easy to use. Usually no configuration is required, or is straightforward enough to be s... eature or service is relatively easy to use. Some configuration may be required, or is straightforward enough to ... ture or service may be difficult at first to use. Configuration likely required, or required some knowledge on th... cult to use or requires some previous experience. Configuration mandatory and likely requiring some knowledge on
- ah_import_data @tasker:docs:en:help
- ta</H3><P>Dynamically load a task into the active configuration or replace the whole active configuration.<br/><br/>Usually the data to be loaded is first read into a variable via the Read File action.<br/><br/>When a new configuration is successfully loaded, the task (and all others)
- activity_widget_configure @tasker:docs:en
- ure</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <H2> Widget / Shortcut Configuration <IMG style="float:right" SRC="icon_tasker.png"/> </H2> This screen allows selection and configuration of a task which will be performed when an icon i... urther on this screen. </P> <P> The layout of the Configuration screen is nearly identical to that of the <A HREF
- AutoAlarm @tasker:plugins:joaomgcd
- et information on your next alarm. It requires no configuration in order to get working. ===== In App configuration ===== {{:media:icons:action:2x_web:ic_extension_black_48dp... m has an Event and an Action. Neither require any configuration other than using. ==== Event ==== You can use t
- app_widgets @tasker:docs:en
- Tapping on the <B>icon</B> of the widget shows a configuration screen where the timer can be configured. </P> <P... <LI>Use the <A HREF="activity_widget_configure">Configuration Screen</A> to configure what should happen when ... L> So a shortcut should be used unless the extra configuration possibilities of a widget are necessary. <H4>Gen
- AutoTools @tasker:plugins:joaomgcd
- ng many pre-made web screens. \\ \\ ===== In App configuration ===== {{:media:icons:action:2x_web:ic_extension_... * To read //logcat// * ADB Permission CHANGE_CONFIGURATION * To change system locale * ADB Permission ... s:action:2x_web:ic_build_black_48dp.png?nolink&50|Configuration required!}} {{:media:icons:action:2x_web:ic_code_
- activity_scenepropertiesedit @tasker:docs:en
- :right" SRC="icon_tasker.png"/> </H2> <P> Allows configuration of the general properties of a scene. The differe... /B> tab determines which properties are shown for configuration. </P> <UL> <LI><A HREF="#ui">UI</A> <LI><A HREF
- faq-appcreation @tasker:docs:en:faqs
- n the package identifier you specified in the App Configuration screen if the task is running in a child app, oth... e to implement the things in your task or project configuration. Instead, the existing Tasker code is used with t
- activity_runlog @tasker:docs:en
- e.g. to view the corresponding item from the user configuration. </P> <H3>Details Column</H3> <P> Displays the ... data must be loaded due to the user changing the configuration. </UL> <H5>Profiles</H5> <UL> <LI><I>Active</I>
- activity_locselect @tasker:docs:en
- SRC="icon_tasker.png"/> </H2> This screen allows configuration of a <A HREF="loccontext">Location Context</A>.
- AutoWeb @tasker:plugins:joaomgcd
- cd.autoweb|Get it on Google Play]]. ===== In App configuration ===== {{:media:icons:action:2x_web:ic_extension_
- faq-other @tasker:docs:en:faqs
- h it according to a mystical method based on star configurations. It's difficult to say what will be done in adva
- Microphone @tasker:plugins:microphone
- microphone|Get it on Google Play]]. ===== In App configuration ===== {{:media:icons:action:2x_web:ic_extension_