Fulltext results:
- ah_index @tasker:docs:en:help
- e1=valuu1;name2=value2<br/><br/>Ignore SSL Anchor Errors: only for https connections, ignoring such errors leaves the connection open to man-in-the-middle attac... e1=valuu1;name2=value2<br/><br/>Ignore SSL Anchor Errors: only for https connections, ignoring such errors leaves the connection open to man-in-the-middle attac
- ah_authentication_dialog @tasker:docs:en:help
- ication result. Can be <b>success</b> or whatever error there was in case of an error. You will probably use this most of the time.</li> <li><b>Array</b>: For... then it was you'll have an array with 2 items: an error and success</li> </ul> <P>If you want to handle errors use the <b>Continue Task After Error</b> option
- activity_runlog
- I><I>ExitErr</I><BR>the task has stopped after an error <LI><I>ExitOK</I><BR>the task has finished all i... via the UI so was skipped <LI><I>Err</I><BR> an error occurred while running the action, causing the task to stop <LI><I>ErrIgnore</I><BR> an error occurred, but the task could continue (probably because <I>Continue On Error</I> was specified in the action parameters <LI><
- variables
- ocal Built-In Variables</H5> <UL> <LI><B>Action Error</B><BR> <I>%err</I><BR> Is set to an integer if an error occurred when running the last action. The actual number can signify the error which occurred, but is usually 1 for most Tasker ... an in the immediate next action. <LI><B>Action Error Description</B><BR> <I>%errmsg</I><BR> A descri
- activity_actionedit
- ore information. </P> <H5><I>Continue Task After Error</I> Parameter</H5> <I>(selected actions only)</I> <P> By default, if an action fails with an error (e.g. the user specified to delete a file that do... ion fails. </P> <P> In addition, if it's checked, errors will be logged in the system log as diagnostics instead of errors and error popups will be surpressed. </P> <H5><
- ah_run_shell @tasker:docs:en:help
- stdout) of the command.<br/><br/>Similarly, Store Errors In is for error output (stderr).<br/><br/>A result code of 256 indicates a technical failure executing ... e will cause the task to stop, unless Continue On Error is checked, otherwise the result code will be sto
- ah_stop @tasker:docs:en:help
- other tasks with the same name).<br/><br/>If With Error is checked, the task(s) are marked as finished due to an error.<br/><br/>Note: to stop a different task will oft
- ah_http_get @tasker:docs:en:help
- e1=valuu1;name2=value2<br/><br/>Ignore SSL Anchor Errors: only for https connections, ignoring such errors leaves the connection open to man-in-the-middle attac
- ah_http_post @tasker:docs:en:help
- e1=valuu1;name2=value2<br/><br/>Ignore SSL Anchor Errors: only for https connections, ignoring such errors leaves the connection open to man-in-the-middle attac
- faq-problem @tasker:docs:en:faqs
- y enabling <B>Menu / Prefs / More / Popup Warning/Errors</B> to see if any errors are occuring (they may not be shown till you go back to the Tasker UI) <LI>loo
- ah_quick_setting_remove @tasker:docs:en:help
- Setting Add.<br/><br/>It is not classified as an error if the tile did not previously exist.<br/><br/>On
- ah_wifi_control @tasker:docs:en:help
- connected.<br/><br/>Report Failure: flash a short error message if the action fails. Note that Android mi
- ah_ping @tasker:docs:en:help
- ction or the host can't be reached the action will end in an error.</P> </body><> </html> ~~socialite~~
- beginner
- moved <LI>action edit screen, Label, Continue On Error parameters removed <LI>prefs screen, many option
- javascript
- of subfiles. </P> <P> If no files or found or an error occurs, the returned value will be <code>undef</c