Fulltext results:
- ah_index @tasker:docs:en:help
- 2=three.<br/><br/>The numeric sorts use the first number they find in each entry e.g. a3c, b5, 1x becomes ... to the specified calendar.<br/><br/>In / For: the number of minutes from now at which the calendar entry s... ing up the dialer screen with the specified phone number filled in.<br/><br/>Commas and Semi-Colons terminate the number currently, this is filed as an Android bug. <H4>
- variables
- occurred when running the last action. The actual number can signify the error which occurred, but is usu... be interrupted by higher priority tasks, so this number is not necessarily the total run-time of ... cifying %TIMES for the data. <LI><B>Call Name / Number/ Date / Time (In)</B> <CODE>(dynamic, monitored)<... %CNUM / %CDATE / %CTIME</I><BR> The caller name, number, date and time of the current (if a call is in pr
- matching
- For instance, if you want to match any telephone number starting with <B>0135</B>, you can specify the si... > is a special character which <I>matches</I> any number of any character. <P> Tasker has two type of mat... e possible matches <LI>a <B>*</B> will match any number of any character. It's not possible to specifical... ly. <UL> <LI><I>C:ANY</I> matches the telephone number of any contact <LI><I>C:FAV</I> matches the tele
- eh_index @tasker:docs:en:help
- tching</i> in the Userguide).<br/><br/>The caller number will be 0 and the caller name ? if the number is hidden or unknown. <H4>Pomodroido</H4>Info:<br/><br/>\t... the Subject or an MMS. <H4>Reddit Notify</H4>The Number parameter refers to the number of unread emails or the new Karma total.<br/><br/>The Message parameter ma
- element_picker
- <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Tasker: Scene Element: Number Picker</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <H2> Scene Element: Number Picker <IMG style="float:right" SRC="icon_tasker... m a specified range. Above and below the selected number the element can be long-clicked to advance the number series, or the number can be scrolled or flung up o
- ah_divert_phonecalls @tasker:docs:en:help
- t</H3><P>Divert outgoing calls from the specified number (pattern), to the specified (full) phone number.<br/><br/>From: the number (pattern) to divert. If any part of the outgoing number matches From the diversion will take place. If no
- ah_app_info @tasker:docs:en:help
- se the <b>last(X)</b> format, where <b>X</b> is a number. Will get info about whatever app was opened thos... e the <b>last(Xs)</b> format, where <b>X</b> is a number in seconds. Will get info about whatever app was ... </b> format, where <ul> <li><b>X</b>: Number of minutes to start looking for app usage. For ex... stats starting 1 day ago</li> <li><b>Y</b>: Number of minutes to stop looking for app usage. For exa
- javascript
- se</B>, the phone app will be brought up with the number pre-inserted, if <B>true</B> the number will also be dialed. </P> <!-- _________________________________... F="matching">matching</A> <I>fromMatch</I> to the number <I>to</I>. </P> <P> If <I>showInfo</I> is set, Ta... /> <H5>sendSMS</H5> <CODE>var ok = sendSMS( str number, str text, boolean storeInMessagingApp );</CODE>
- activity_actionedit
- next to numeric sliders allows you to specify the number textually or use a <A HREF="variables">variable</... > and a <I>right-hand-side</I> for example <CODE>%number, Equals, 1</CODE> indicates that the action will be executed if the variable %number has the value 1. <P> <P> When more than one cond... n the following order: </P> <OL> <LI>the action number <LI>the action label if present <LI>the action
- flowcontrol
- ven</I> (Even)<BR> The left parameter is an even number. <LI><I>Maths: Is Odd</I> (Odd)<BR> The left parameter is an odd number. <LI><I>Is/Isn't Set</I> (Set/!Set)<BR> Wheth... unter Loop</H4> <P> Goal: perform a Task X a set number of times. </P> <TABLE> <TR BGCOLOR="#aaaaff" VAL... st tasks it's better to use a label rather than a number. It's easier to work out what's happening and if
- ah_read_file_part @tasker:docs:en:help
- h is the name of a variable containing the record number to read. If unspecified, the record after the pre... t file* is read. A variable is used in place of a number here to permit e.g. reading a random record via t... the file was reached before the specified record number was found, it will contain the value EOF. The next line number then resets to 1.<br/><br/>Blank lines and any ne
- sh_index @tasker:docs:en:help
- in progress, optionally from or to the specified Number (see <i>Pattern Matching</i> in the Userguide). ... in the text box indicates the cell tower ID. The number afterwards is the *last seen* signal strength to ... Caller is specified, only missed calls from that number are relevant (see Pattern Matching in the Usergui
- ah_notification_led @tasker:docs:en:help
- n, the specified text will be visible.<br/><br/>A Number other than 0 causes that number to be included in the notification area.<br/><br/>Rate is the number of milliseconds the LED will flash on and then ag
- ah_ping @tasker:docs:en:help
- cy between you and the specified host.</P> <P><b>Number</b> is the number of times it'll ping the host</P> <P>If <b>Number</b> is set to <b>1</b> the 3 result variables will have
- ah_goto @tasker:docs:en:help
- o a different place in the current task.<br/><br/>Number: specify an action number to jump to.<br/><br/>Label: specify an action label to jump to. This is almost always better than specifying a number.<br/><br/>Top of Loop: jump to the first For acti