Fulltext results:
- ah_index @tasker:docs:en:help
- variables with In / For, be sure to leave spaces otherwise the variables won't be recognized. <H4>Call</H4>... specified, all icons are changed to the New set, otherwise only icons that currently have an icon of the Old... ectory, the copy will be placed <b>inside</b> it, otherwise the copy will have that name. <H4>Copy File</H4>... nly the last one displayed will be cancelled, the otherwise will need to be cancelled manually.<br/><br/>Warn
- variables @tasker:docs:en
- me</I> is the name of the profile, if it has one, otherwise <B>anon</B> <LI><B>scene</B><BR> a scene even... ubcallername</I> is the task name, if it has one, otherwise <B>anon</B> </UL> </UL> <a name="globalbuiltin"... vice is roaming on the current telephone network, otherwise <B>off</B>. <LI><B>Root Available</B> <BR><I>%... > if root functions are available on this device, otherwise <B>no</B>. <LI><B>Screen</B> <CODE>(dynamic)</
- ah_set_variable @tasker:docs:en:help
- t a sequence that does not commonly occur in text otherwise it will match at unexpected times.<br/><br/>Names... replaced until there are no variable names left, otherwise only one round of variable replacement will take ... o Maths is checked, %FROG will get the value '9', otherwise it will get the value '8 + 1'.<br/><br/>If To can
- flowcontrol @tasker:docs:en
- > Apple</TD> <TD>Stop task if it's not crunchy, otherwise go to next action</TD> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="#aa... oal: perform certain Tasks if conditions are met, otherwise perform a different task. </P> <TABLE> <TR BGCO... Action Three is executed if %fruit matches Pear, otherwise Action Four is executed. </P> <P> Notes: </P> <
- sh_index @tasker:docs:en:help
- e specified the device must match that parameter, otherwise any device will match.<br/><br/>Standard/Low-Ene... are specified, the AP must match that parameter, otherwise any AP will match.<br/><br/>SSID: the SSID of the... are specified, the AP must match that parameter, otherwise any AP will match.<br/><br/>SSID: the SSID of the
- java @tasker:docs:en
- he Activity object which is displaying the scene, otherwise it's Tasker's Application context. <LI><B>Image... s that the calling app have declared a permission otherwise the call will fail. This means that a Java Functi
- encryption @tasker:docs:en
- so click 'Leave Key' for all but the last action, otherwise you'll have to enter your passphrase for each fil... previously. </P> <P><B>Don't</B> click Clear Key, otherwise you'll have to enter your passphrase for every fi
- matching @tasker:docs:en
- oup which matches <CODE>groupmatch</CODE> <LI><I>Otherwise:</I> otherwise a match is attempted using the general matching rules against <B>both</B> the caller phone n
- javascript @tasker:docs:en
- > is 'undefined' if the voice acquisition failed, otherwise it's an array of possible matching texts. </P> <P... ecified, files starting with period are included, otherwise they are not. </P> <P>Example: </P> <PRE> var f
- gestures @tasker:docs:en
- disable Tasker before setting up new gestures, as otherwise you are likely to trigger previously defined ones... urce is connected to the device, unless specified otherwise in <CODE>Menu / Prefs / Monitor / Display Off Mon
- loctears @tasker:docs:en
- assume you are in the same location until there is a fix which says otherwise. </P> </HTML> ~~socialite~~
- activity_main @tasker:docs:en
- se names end in a number e.g. <CODE>%LOC3</CODE>, otherwise they are excluded. <LI><B>Empty</B> (butt
- sh_bt_near @tasker:docs:en:help
- e specified the device must match that parameter, otherwise any device will match.<br/><br/>Standard/Low-Ene
- appcreation @tasker:docs:en
- used needs Google's Play Services APK installed, otherwise the map elements will not function. </P> <H4>Var
- element_web @tasker:docs:en
- ked, links will be handled by the WebView itself, otherwise they will be passed to the system for handling e.