Fulltext results:
- faq-how
- at top) </UL> <P> Try to make the log as soon as possible after the problem occurs. </P> <!---------------... lume button presses ?</H4> No, sorry, that's not possible ATM. <P> The closest you can get is to detect cha... ard ?</H4> <P> Prior to Android 6.0, that is not possible, even using apps2SD. </P> <P> With Android 6.0+ ... <H4>Can I divert incoming calls ?</H4> It's not possible to divert incoming calls via Android, but most Mo
- faq-appcreation
- ervice is no longer needed but that is not always possible. You can put a <CODE>Disable</CODE> action from t... 't my app detecting background events ?</H4> One possible cause is: when an app has just been installed on ... oncerns </UL> <P> Try to make the log as soon as possible after the problem occurs. </P> <!---------------... oncerns </UL> <P> Try to make the log as soon as possible after the problem occurs. </P> <!---------------
- faq-problem
- asker installed on the SD card, which is just not possible due to several reasons related to how Tasker work... g on some Wildfire firmware version. <P>It's not possible for the Tasker developer to work around, but is r... rred mode from HDR to Automatic. </PRE> <P> It's possible that you will only be able to receive, not make, ... version of Tasker when a reliable workaround was possible. </P> <P> In more recent Android versions, the
- faq-why
- d a task with Load App Calculator, it will not be possible to enter Tasker anymore. <!---------------------... ifications: <UL> <LI>if you would like this to be possible one day, please star this <A HREF="http://code.go... d feature request</A> <LI>it would be technically possible to create 'icon pack' APKs and that might happen