Fulltext results:
- ah_index
- br/>Note: when enabling, it will probably be some seconds before the Bluetooth service is actually usable. ... <br/>Timeout: 30 [read timeout after 30 seconds]<br/>Content-Type: [if nothing specified... <br/>Timeout: 30 [read timeout after 30 seconds]<br/>Content-Type: [default is: x-www-fo... r SIM pin unlock screen may disappear after a few seconds after a reboot.<br/><br/>WARNING: while keyguard
- eh_volume_long_press
- after the button has been pressed for those many seconds after the long press is detected. For example, se... you press the volume button for a bit more than 3 seconds</li> <li><b>Continuous Mode</b>: Only trigger after the button has been pressed for x many seconds after the long press is detected and then trigger... e: setting it to <b>continuous(3)</b> will wait 3 seconds before it starts triggering continuously.</li>
- sh_index
- for the period of the scan, probably around 5-15 seconds.<br/><br/>A seen device which is no longer visibl... calibrate it by covering up the device for a few seconds and exposing it to bright light.<br/><br/>Warning... it for the period of the scan, probably around 15 seconds. Toggling cannot take place when the Wifi Tether
- ah_app_info
- ast(Xs)</b> format, where <b>X</b> is a number in seconds. Will get info about whatever app was opened those many seconds ago. For example, <b>last(10s)</b> will get info on the app that was opened 10 seconds ago.</li> <li> <b>Most Used By Time</b>:
- eh_index
- to this event start with a Wait action of e.g. 5 seconds, because Android is extremely busy immediately af... y, the response time can be on the order of a few seconds.<br/><br/>See Also: Prefs / Monitor / Display Off
- ah_turn_off_display
- ned off.</P> <P>On some devices it takes about 3 seconds for it to really turn off, on others it might take around 10 seconds. Either way, a fully black screen will be shown w
- ah_test_app
- red.<br/><br/>Calendar tests: require the time in seconds since the epoch as Data (e.g. use %TIMES, or use ... riable Convert action to convert a date/time into seconds first) and are entered in an array (%var1, %var2
- ah_test
- act.<br/><br/>Calendar values require the time in seconds since the epoch as data (e.g. use %TIMES, or use ... riable Convert action to convert a date/time into seconds first) and are entered in an array (%var1, %var2
- ah_http_post
- <br/>Timeout: 30 [read timeout after 30 seconds]<br/>Content-Type: [default is: x-www-fo
- eh_steps
- y, the response time can be on the order of a few seconds.<br/><br/>See Also: Prefs / Monitor / Display Off
- ah_authentication_dialog
- e 5 times in a row Android will block access to this for 30 seconds</P> </body> <> </html> ~~socialite~~
- ah_convert_variable
- on particular conversions:<br/><br/>Date Time to Seconds<br/>* date and time must be separated by whitespa
- ah_take_photo
- rent activity will be interrupted for a couple of seconds.<br/><br/>If Discreet is checked, there will be n
- ah_set_wallpaper
- lems.<br/><br/>Note that it can take more than 20 seconds for this action to take effect.</P></body><> </ht
- sh_wifi_near
- it for the period of the scan, probably around 15 seconds. On Android 6+ this is rarely needed, unless you