Fulltext results:
- faq-problem
- ation contexts ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#d">Why can't I select Tasker for an application context ?</A> <LI><A HR... see any Tasker widgets in the home screen widget selector ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#l">Why doesn't my repeating... -----------------> <A NAME="d"/> <H4>Why can't I select Tasker for an application context ?</H4> This is... see any Tasker widgets in the home screen widget selector ?</H4> This is almost always because you have
- faq-how
- ld Version</B> entry <LI>go back one screen <LI>select <B>Developer Options</B> <LI>check the <B>USB De... ting a new profile with an <b>App</b> context and select the Camera app. When asked to create a task, add
- faq-appcreation
- ld app ?</H4> Use the <B>Test App</B> action and select the mode <B>This Package</B>. <P> The resulting v