Fulltext results:
- ah_index @tasker:docs:en:help
- os. <H4>Airplane Radios</H4>Specify which radios should be <b>disabled</b> when entering Airplane Mode.<b... r of minutes from now at which the calendar entry should start. Optionally, For how many minutes the calendar entry should last.<br/><br/>The default for In / For is 0 / 0.... Toggle elements.<br/><br/>For a CheckBox, value should be 0 (off) or 1 (on).<br/><br/>For a Spinner, the
- javascript
- . via <I>setTimeout()</I> or other callbacks, you should deselect <I>Auto Exit</I>. You are then responsib... )</CODE> </P> <P> Whether the display brightness should automatically adjust to the ambient light or not.... </CODE> </P> <P> Whether the display orientation should change based on the physical orientation of the d... ODE> </P> <P> How long the period of no-activity should be before the display is turned off. </P> <!-- _
- faq-problem @tasker:docs:en:faqs
- r fixes is probably around += 2km, so your radius should be also minimally 2km. </P> <P> If you *are* usin... r that:</P> <UL> <LI>is the profile enabled ? It should have a green tick next to it. <LI>have you clicke... rofile List screen</A> before leaving Tasker ? It should be showing a <B>green light</B>. <LI>is the profi... ar context and edit it. Click <B>Scan</B> and you should immediately see a new Cell added to the list. Cli
- midi
- as been established with the MIDI device, Android should ask whether permission should be granted to Tasker to use the device. In order to make things easier and ... for one beat. A <CODE>*</CODE> indicates the note should be held longer e.g. <CODE>C*6</CODE> holds a C for 6 beats. A <CODE>/</CODE> indicates the note should be shorter e.g. <CODE>C/2</CODE> indicates that t
- variables
- vel changes, so to test the sensor is working you should put it near a bright light initially. <BR>May no... PS time from the fixed time has been calculated (should be after the first GPS fix) because the value is ... a Utilities, which support a lot of players and should pass the info on to Tasker <LI>pausing a track ... > If <B>auto</B>, Android will decide whether it should be in Night Mode itself. <LI><B>Notification Ti
- sh_index @tasker:docs:en:help
- r seen.<br/><br/>After setting this state up, you should calibrate it by covering up the device for a few ... media button is handled. It indicates that Tasker should become the sole receiver of media button events. ... nearby.<br/><br/>After setting this state up, you should calibrate it by covering and then uncovering prox... which sets the thing the variable represents you should use the Variable Set event instead. A Variable Va
- scenes
- opup</CODE> action, specify that the cloned scene should be used by clicking on the <B>Layout</B> paramete... se allow a completely free hand over when a scene should be displayed and it's life-cycle. They all act on... tional Items tab. <P> <H4>Event Tasks</H4> What should happen when the user interacts with the element.
- element_web
- rs to a URI (e.g. http://) from which the WebView should retrieve content. <LI><I>File</I>: the <I>Source... contains a local file path from which the WebView should retrieve content. <LI><I>Direct</I>: the <I>Sour... nt a complex and highly functional interface, but should only be enabled if you entirely trust the source
- app_widgets
- gure">Configuration Screen</A> to configure what should happen when the icon is clicked (or the timer ex... n be created without a label </UL> So a shortcut should be used unless the extra configuration possibilit
- cpu
- CPU can actually handle. If that is the case, you should be very cautious about setting it higher. Tasker ... ve <I>governor</I> decides what the CPU frequency should be set to at a particular time, within the freque
- faq-how @tasker:docs:en:faqs
- or 'internal' (the wording varies) storage, there should be no issue. </P> <!----------------------------... <P> Therefore, if you want to use whitespace you should first assign it to a variable and then use the va
- activity_scenepropertiesedit
- how to make the decision about whether the scene should be displayed in portrait or landscape mode. The ... t Tabs</H3> <P> Event tabs stipulate what Tasker should do when the user interacts with the scene in some
- activity_main
- contexts (conditions) on the left to tasks which should be run on the right. The profile name is green if... he profile. The contexts dictate when the profile should become active. When <B>all</B> contexts are activ
- faq-other @tasker:docs:en:faqs
- include feature X ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#b">Should I worry about using Tasker's Accessibility servic... ------------------------------> <A NAME="b"/> <H4>Should I worry about using Tasker's Accessibility servic
- appcreation
- app. </P> <H4>3. App Generation</H4> <P> Tasker should now start generating your app, which will take ma... on the app's icon in the launcher. </P> <P> You should see a Hello World popup! </P> <A NAME="config" /