Fulltext results:
- faq-why
- rmission ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#d">Why isn't Tasker shown in the Application Context list ?</A> <LI><A HRE... ------------> <A NAME="d"/> <H4>Why isn't Tasker shown in the Application Context list ?</H4> Because i
- faq-problem
- showing a <B>green light</B>. <LI>is the profile shown as active in the status bar pulldown ? If so, it'... o see if any errors are occuring (they may not be shown till you go back to the Tasker UI) <LI>look in <B
- faq-appcreation
- A> <LI><A HREF="#a">Why is the app always shown as running ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#b">How do ... -------> <A NAME="a"/> <H4>Why is the app always shown as running ?</H4> <P> Tasker tries to detect whe