Fulltext results:
- faq-other
- or</B> <LI>a Time context with a repeat value specified </UL> <P> are only active for an instant and hen... e by an instant profile stay at whatever value is specified. </P> <P> </P> <P> </P> <P> </P>
- faq-why
- ld <B>potentially</B> ask Tasker to do need to be specified. </P> <P> If you are still concerned, consider th... e tasks you specify execute in the order they are specified, their actions do not alternate. </P> <P> <
- faq-problem
- <CODE>Perform Task</CODE> action has <B>Stop</B> specified. </P> <!----------------------------------------
- faq-appcreation
- variable will contain the package identifier you specified in the App Configuration screen if the task is ru