Fulltext results:
- ah_index
- it switched to a new set.<br/><br/>The New field specifies the new icon set.<br/><br/>If no Old set is speci... ely copy a directory to a new one.<br/><br/>If To specifies an existing directory, the copy will be placed <b... n SD card file to a new directory.<br/><br/>If To specifies an existing file, it will be overwritten.<br/><br... rker to a scene Map element.<br/><br/>Spot Radius specifies the size of circle to place at the base of the ma
- sh_index
- nge.<br/><br/>The values are inclusive i.e. 37-38 specifies a range with 2 values. <H4>Calendar Entry</H4>An... ius.<br/><br/>The values are inclusive i.e. 37-38 specifies a range with 2 values. <H4>Display Orientation</... ugh a USB adapter).<br/><br/>The Active parameter specifies whether or not the ethernet network must be the n... the checked types.<br/><br/>The Active parameter specifies whether or not the mobile network must be the net
- ah_say
- the given Text into speech.<br/><br/>Engine:Voice specifies the speech engine and voice/language to use. <i>default:en</i> specifies the default engine and English voice.<br/>Stream/File specifies where the sound should go. Stream specifies a sound channel, File specifies a location on the SD card; the s
- ah_set_light
- ny lights will only be on or off, in which case 0 specifies off and any other number specifies on.<br/><br/>Note that turning a light off is not permanent, Android may
- ah_menu
- m the user selects.<br/><br/>The Layout parameter specifies the look of all the items. Click to edit it.<br/><br/>The Items parameter specifies the content of each item.<br/><br/>The selected i
- ah_search_replace_variable
- em with something else.<br/><br/>Store Matches In specifies an array variable in which each successive part o... Search parameter is stored.<br/><br/>Replace With specifies what each matching part of the variable should be
- ah_sql_query
- olumn > 5', 'column = ?')<br/><br/>Selection Args specifies content that fills each ? in Selection in the ord
- sh_wifi_connect
- P (when connected).<br/><br/>The Active parameter specifies whether or not the wifi network must be the netwo
- ah_scene_element_text
- r/>For TextEdit elements, the parameter Selection specifies a part of the text to select after it has been se
- ah_scene_element_add_geomarker
- rker to a scene Map element.<br/><br/>Spot Radius specifies the size of circle to place at the base of the ma
- ah_notification_sound
- sed on the notification icon.<br/><br/>Music File specifies a file location on the sdcard e.g. music/hello.mp
- ah_copy_dir
- ely copy a directory to a new one.<br/><br/>If To specifies an existing directory, the copy will be placed <b
- sh_vpn_connect
- twork is connected.<br/><br/>The Active parameter specifies whether or not the VPN must be the network curren
- ah_plugin
- uns the specified action plugin.<br/><br/>Timeout specifies how long Tasker should wait for the plugin to fin
- sh_mobile_connect
- the checked types.<br/><br/>The Active parameter specifies whether or not the mobile network must be the net