Fulltext results:
- faq-problem
- A> <LI><A HREF="#e">Why does it take my Wifi Near state so long to exit ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#f">Why isn't ... imes ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#o">Why does my Cell Near state keep going inactive ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#p">Why do... aren't I getting any cell data for the Cell Near state ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#t">Why isn't there a green li... <A NAME="e"/> <H4>Why does it take my Wifi Near state so long to exit ?</H4> <P> Wifi Near requires <b
- faq-how
- when the phone is in Airplane Mode ?</H4> Add a state <B>Airplane Mode</B> to your profile and click th... ust enabled) ?</H4> The 'standard' way is to use State <I>Wifi Connected</I> to set and clear your own v
- faq-why
- inactive for Airplane Mode, just add an Inverted state Airplane Mode to it. </UL> <P> <!--------------
- faq-appcreation
- ust been installed on Android it is in a 'frozen' state until there is some user interaction with it (usu