Fulltext results:
- faq-how
- Tasker restoring a setting ?</H4> Tasker will restore any setting which is changed in the Enter task of... ays to prevent this: <OL> <LI>deselect the <I>Restore Settings</I> in the Profile Properties of the rel... as a hint that the previous value shouldn't be restored. <LI>create a separate task to run the settings... action. Settings made in Javascriptlets are not restored. </OL> <!------------------------------------
- faq-problem
- g ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#w">Why aren't my settings restored ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#i">Why does nothing happen w... EF="#m">Why aren't my exit tasks run / settings restored before the device shuts down ?</A> <LI><A HREF="... -----> <A NAME="w"/> <H4>Why aren't my settings restored ?</H4> Some possibilities: <UL> <LI>if your pr... /> <H4>Why aren't my exit tasks run / settings restored before the device shuts down ?</H4> Android giv
- faq-other
- hile, then they go inactive and settings may be restored or an exit task fired. However, profiles with </