Fulltext results:
- faq-why
- <LI><A HREF="#i">Why does my profile have 2 enter tasks ? Why can't I add an exit task ?</A> </UL> <HR/>... H4> Because it's easy to get into trouble firing tasks in Tasker. For example, if a profile is setup wi... A NAME="i"/> <H4>Why does my profile have 2 enter tasks ? Why can't I add an exit task ?</H4> That's bec... to do with that profile. </P> <P> Note that the tasks you specify execute in the order they are specifi
- faq-problem
- xt work ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#m">Why aren't my exit tasks run / settings restored before the device shuts d... ----------> <A NAME="m"/> <H4>Why aren't my exit tasks run / settings restored before the device shuts d... ion to start task (b), the order in which the two tasks are executed depends on their relative priorities... iority to ensure that the task runs even if other tasks are running in the background. </P> <P> So testin
- faq-how
- "#q">How can I import/export individual profiles, tasks or scenes ?</A> <LI><A HREF="#s">How do I turn o... xception: changes to settings made in <I>Exit</I> tasks are not restored. </P> <!-----------------------... ton). <P> <B>Warning:</B>: settings in the called tasks will not be restored by Tasker, only settings cha... <H4>How can I import/export individual profiles, tasks or scenes ?</H4> <P> Import: </P> Go to the main
- faq-appcreation
- ojects as apps and projects can contain profiles, tasks and scenes. </P> <P> For help accessing projects,