Fulltext results:
- ah_index @tasker:docs:en:help
- : for some radios the setting may not take effect until the device has been restarted.<br/><br/>See also:... specified, higher elements will only be pushed up until a non-defined element is found (which will be fil... he setting is restored, the screen will not react until the settings screen is visited. It may be therefo... sks.<br/><br/>Tasker will not do anything further until enabled via the On/Off button in the Profile List
- variables @tasker:docs:en
- e.g. respond to an SMS; the sender is not known until the SMS is received. <LI>allow <A HREF="flowcont... that the reported signal strength is not updated until the device is turned off and on. <LI><B>Cell ... lux.<BR>Note that Android does not return a value until the light level changes, so to test the sensor i... this away from %TIMES. <BR>This value is not set until an offset of the GPS time from the fixed time has
- flowcontrol @tasker:docs:en
- 0, 0:8:2 (= <B>4,3,2,1,0,100,0,2,4,6,8</B>). <H4>Until Loop</H4> <P> Goal: perform a Task X until some condition is met (at least once) </P> <TABLE> <TR BGC... > Result: Action One and Action Two are performed until %QTIME contains the value 20 or more i.e. until the task has been running for 20 seconds. </P> <P> Note
- tasks @tasker:docs:en
- be executed, it's actions are executed one-by-one until finished. <P> When there are several tasks in th... Actions</H4> <P> <CODE>Wait</CODE> and <CODE>Wait Until</CODE> are special cases. The rules for handling ... from the same profile remain completely inactive until any previous task from the same profile is comple... of any other action, even one of higher priority, until it is completed. <H5>Wait / Wait Until</H5> The
- javascript @tasker:docs:en
- e specified <I>keyName</I>. The JavaScript waits until the dialog has been dismissed or the timeout reac... covered part of the screen. The JavaScript waits until the code has been entered or the lock cancelled ... y entered when the lock screen is show in future, until the display next turns off <LI><I>background</I>:... P> <P> Show a popup dialog. The JavaScript waits until the popup has been dismissed or the timeout reach
- loctears @tasker:docs:en
- imeout</CODE>. Make the timeout as low as you can until you start losing effectiveness. </P> <A HREF="l... eck times, it may never detect your new location until you leave. <LI>(-) extreme power usage <LI>(-) ... s</H5> Tasker does not check high-power contexts until all lower-power contexts in the same profile are ... tion contexts assume you are in the same location until there is a fix which says otherwise. </P> </HTML
- encryption @tasker:docs:en
- backups of your files while setting up encryption until you understand how the system works and are sure ... ed, the ciphers it generated are stored in memory until explicitly deleted. The deletion might be specifi... assphrase for the first one, because it is stored until cleared. </P> <P> The encrypted files will all re
- ah_wait_until @tasker:docs:en:help
- ntent="text; charset=utf-8"></head><body><H3>Wait Until</H3><P>Stop executing the current Task until the condition is met. Wait *maximally* the specified time b
- app_widgets @tasker:docs:en
- old in an empty space on the Android home screen, until a dialog appears. <LI>Select <B>Widgets</B> or ... k and hold on the icon in the Android home screen until the dustbin icon appears. Drag the widget or shor
- power @tasker:docs:en
- active (because the profile cannot become active until both contexts are active). </P> <P>Tasker rates ... of the list won't become eligible for monitoring until all items further up the list are active. </P> <
- faq-why @tasker:docs:en:faqs
- nature <LI>to verify the order number, and only until it has been successfully verified <LI>to check w... </I>. That means that once active it stays active until a non-matching Cell ID is seen. In Airplane Mode
- ah_if @tasker:docs:en:help
- action condition does not match, skip all actions until a matching Else or Endif is found or until the end of the task is reached.<br/><br/>See Flow Control in
- faq-how @tasker:docs:en:faqs
- ort</B> (the first entry) <LI>wait a short while until the bug report is ready (a notification will appe
- faq-problem @tasker:docs:en:faqs
- s. If that doesn't work keep increasing the value until it does. </P> <P> That gives the application time
- gestures @tasker:docs:en
- es from the accelerometer are at the minumum rate until the start of a gesture is detected. </UL> </BODY