Fulltext results:
- Connectivity @tasker:plugins:joaomgcd:autotools:connectivity
- Results will be returned in the **%atbluetooth** variable in JSON format. You can use the [[:tasker:plugins... sults will be returned in the **%atwifinetworks** variable in JSON format. You can use the [[:tasker:plugins... Results will be returned in the **%atusbdevices** variable in JSON format. You can use the [[:tasker:plugins... r IP address or hostname to ping. Can be a Tasker variable. ===== Phone ===== Do stuff related to your pho
- HTML Read @tasker:plugins:joaomgcd:autotools:htmlread
- he information, a file on your local storage or a variable containing HTML. If it is a URL from a webpage, i... ssqueries|More information on CSS Queries]] ==== Variable names ==== Our CSS Queries could end up becoming... rray and instead have your data within a singular variable, set this field and the entries from the array will become a variable instead. Each entry will then be separated by wha
- Arrays @tasker:plugins:joaomgcd:autotools:arrays
- ys. If left blank, then AutoTools will try to get variable names from the Input Arrays. If no variables were... n further merge the output arrays to get a single variable with all the ouput For example if you use the nam... enter on your keyboard) you'll get a sigle output variable with the value John is 24 years old. Anne is 17 y
- Action Wait @tasker:plugins:joaomgcd:autotools:actionwait
- te. ==== Variables ==== Comma separated list of variable names to output. Values passed from the 'Action Report' action will have these names. ==== Last Variable Array ==== Enable to make the last variable defined above to be an array. ~~socialite~~